Kelder Podcast – 0004 – Meie esimesed muusikateosed by Kelder Podcast

Kelder Podcast – 0004 – Meie esimesed muusikateosed by Kelder Podcast


Kelder Podcast arutab teemasid loomest kuni enesearenguni. Tuues kuulajateni põnevaid inimesi, kes jagavad seikasid erivaldkondadest ning katsumusi, mida nad on pidanud ületama. Iga episood on vürtsitatud hea huumoriga ning tabavate vestlusteemadega.Kelder Podcast discusses topics from creativity to self-development, bringing listeners exciting people, who share stories from different areas and challenges they have had to overcome. Each episode is spiced with good humor and catchy conversation topics.